What we've been doing

This is a busy time of year. The boys are in school, which means spelling practice, math facts practice, reading, reading and more reading. And not much blogging, as you can tell.

Our little Ayanna is busy on the move. No walking yet, but boy can she speed crawl. And usually it's to the roll of toilet paper, or the bowl of doggy water. Or anywhere else that she really should not be.

Plus, time to harvest all that grows in our garden....here are some scenes of our lives lately.

Lots of carrots this year!

Yummy tomato juice

I'm always in charge of jar washing.

Applesauce in process

All our apples are organic so we cook the skins. The red skins give the sauce a pink color.

This is what the Beagles think of all the sauce making....BORING!!

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