Ayanna Bontu is 9 months old

On June 16th our baby girl turned 9 months old. Hard to believe that on the day we got "the call" she was a 5 1/2 pound 2 month old. She is now 15 pounds, rolling all over the place, clapping her hands. She is amazing, beautiful, funny. She is the light in our lives.

Bontu in her referral picture. I carried this picture everywhere. I memorized every bit of her.

And Ayanna Bontu today.

Her Michael Jordan impression.....tongue hanging out


Autumn and Dan's family said...

I don't think I ever saw her referral picture! Oh, my, she has grown and is changing! Dan won't stop saying "she is so cute." I have a picture for you...I'll send it now.

Fine family said...

Love it! She is just sooo sweet! Love to see those rolls :o)


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