So much....

Oh, we had a birthday, and kids first day of school and on and on. But being that our computer stole our pictures and our camera currently has a dead battery, and on and on~~~

As soon as able, I will continue to upload our pictures and SAVE THEM ON THE NEW EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE, and then post of the happier times!

Back again---again.

Oh the sadness!

Our computer lost it's hard drive which in turn lost our pictures and our music and everything. And, just from saving you from having to ask---NO, we didn't have any backup on an external hard drive. BUT, now we do. And now we will. I was told by the powers that be at the computer repair shop that there would be no problems retrieving the data, he even put his ear up to our laptop and everything and said he heard noises coming from the hard drive (no really--he did!) and that they would gather all those precious memories and put them all on our new hard drive. I can assure you, this didn't happen. They did give me the old hard drive. I told the fella at the computer repair shop that I was a registered nurse, I could do CPR on people, but would surely fail attempting to revive anything like a hard drive.

So, here I sit, with a new hard drive with no memories, and an old hard drive with a bad attitude, holding prisoner all my pictures of my babies....mean old nasty hard drive.

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