We are all adjusting well. Ayanna is a very happy baby. She loves her bottle, and is just so curious of everything around her. She is sleeping well in her crib, I just wish it was for longer periods of time, I am tired! She doesn't sleep longer than 3 hours at a time. In Ethiopia they told us she eats every 3 hours, and boy does she ever. Almost to the minute, every 3 hours I hear her in the monitor. This Mama has been spoiled with full nights of sleep for years, so the midnight feedings are taking a bit of getting used to. Nap when the baby naps is my new favorite saying!
Our Ethiopian beauty:

Our trip to Ethiopia and our first week home have been possible with the gracious help of our friends and family. They have watched our boys, our home, our Beagles. They have picked the kids up from school, brought us baby girl clothes, have done our laundry and sent flowers. We are forever grateful for your love and prayers.
Will and Jimmy and Grandpa and Grandma's house.

Cutie Beagles doing what Beagles do best---takin' it easy.