I feel as though my only blog writing inspiration has been of a poor me type. I so want to write about our court date and our travel plans etc and I have none of that info to speak about. So I have not written anything because who can stand reading it, not that I haven't thought about it (lots!) and talked about it at home. And then my sweet always optimistic hubby reminds me in his always positive way, that it wasn't that long ago that we didn't know anything about her, that we hadn't even gotten to see her beautiful face hanging on our fridge every day, and I should just enjoy the moment that is. Most of the time I think to myself--oh yuck, cut the optimistic hocus-pocus here and lets get moving, but then I remember how right he is, how much adoption is a walk on nothing more than a faith filled path. That this is God's timing, not mine. And so the waiting continues.....